Happy Hump Day!
We are half through the week already, only a couple more days for the weekend!
I seriously struggled to get up this morning....couple more hours of sleep would have been awesome, but gotta get up and Hustle!
Tomorrow is the Sex and The City 2 premiere and I am stoked. Will be heading out later today to use up my allowable item of the month and find sumthing fabulous to wear for the event! It has been a whole week and I have not boughten a single item of clothing, withdrawals are certainly kicking in, no bueno!
On top of that "D" is stuck on the point of finding me a man, oh dear! Embarrassed me yesterday asking a random fellow at our corporate office if he was single and interested?! Kill me NOW I thought, worse case of all the guy is married....I turned around and walked the other way..how many times have they not tried to hook you up? Not the best feeling ever..
Here is the outfit of the day..as mentioned earlier, I stuggled getting up today, hence my outfit lacks creativity and thought...bummer!